PRESENT: Lisa Rowland; John Taylor; Richard
Balm; Pete Masters;
Mike Langley
Jonty Garlick
agreed that minutes of 24 August 2006 were a true and
correct record, Accepted by John/Richard
1. Presentation to Tenon re sponsorship - ongoing (Lisa to check with Mark if its worth pursuing)
2. Whirinaki and Lakeview subdivision
resource consent - Richard completed
these submissions
3. Pub Charities applications for funding: Barry Shepherd has said he
will complete these for us
4. Day Night Thriller Stand: Lisa and Thomas put together
a great stand. Lisa said that next
year as well as having information on what we�ve done etc, we have our own
tent and make it a ‘drop in’ tent for the Bike Taupo marshals. Somewhere for them to sit and have a quick
bite to eat before heading back out to marshal. Everyone thought this a great idea.
5. Treasure Hunt:
Thomas has been organising this with Lisa and a small team of others
and it�s all set to go. Lisa said they are now looking for
volunteers to marshal and help on the day. Richard will put the
word out at the working B this weekend. Mike, Pete and Richard
said they�d be available.
1. 31
August - TDC confirmation of speed limit bylaw changes
2. 8
September - TDC Taupo District 2050 proposed District Plan variations
3. 20 September
- Health Sponsorship Council - invite to attend one day workshop on 17
4. 27
September - TDC round the lake Relay - mountain bike leg conditions of use of reserve
1. 25
August - Whirinaki Submission
2. 20
September - to Transit re crossing on State Highway One
Accepted by John/Mike
OO Account balance (main) is currently
O1 Account balance (W2K) is $1,285.00
Petty Cash: $4.80
Receipts: $1,817.20 (Mountain
Bike Club fees and Treasure Hunt Grant)
Payments: $2,327.06
Accepted: Lisa/Richard
Media and Promotion:
1. Lisa will prepare another newsletter early November
which will also advertise the AGM
2. It was mentioned that Matt Dewes who is training as a
graphic artist is keen to help us out. It was thought that perhaps he could look at a logo update? And once
the newsletter has been written he could jazz it up for sending out.
3. Bike counters at Wairakei will be looked at (John
Carmen to be contacted to source them)
4. Pete said that when the yearly report to JP
(Council) is completed we should also arrange to present it to Council as
sometimes the councillors don�t get to see such reports.
1. Membership
as at today is 1123
1. Following submissions have been completed
recently: Whirinaki; Lakeview
1. Groundeffect have generously sponsored another
$1,000 which will be used to finish Te Totara gully track (River left
downstream of Huka Falls)
2. We�ll shortly need to renegotiate maintenance
allowance with TDC
3. Barry Shepherd has offered to help send out funding
1. Apparently there�s a lot of silt in the tunnel (under
State Highway One). Richard will organise a working party to clear it.
2. Pete said they are endeavouring to widen the Huka
Lodge downhill on Rotary Ride - to increase visibility.
3. Also looking at changing the blind corner on the
uphill past the Ladder Bridge. Need to try and slow down the
downhill traffic - perhaps a kink in the track.
4. Redwoods will be tidied up with a scrub-bar.
5. Rotary Ride - Pete said the Gun club documentation
(Easement) is now finalised and tomorrow the new track will be cut by Pete
McFarlane This means we no longer need to use the Patuiwi land and Pete will
organise a letter of thanks to them for the use of their land.
6. Finally on the Rotary Ride the northern most end of
the track is being looked at. It�s
pretty boggy and messy and we may look at a deviation to make it tidier.
Wairakei Forest Mountain Bike System
1. Subcommittee meeting last week.
2. Maintenance is ticking along. Pete McFarlane and Kevin Loe are keeping an
eye on spring growth and will target it once it starts to grow.
3. They are now looking at more
new tracks. Some will be hand cut (off Outback to Young Pines)
4. A working B is set to finish off the Slalom this
5. There�s been a horse and rider (nothing to do with
Taupo Horse Treks) using mountain bike tracks. A trespass notice will be issued on our
track system and if this fails then a trespass notice will be issued on the
whole Wairakei Park.
W2K Track
1. The Iwi has been informed that we will be lodging a
Resource Consent Partial Notification or Limited Notification. This gives the affected parties a chance
to respond or we get Resource Consent to proceed through the Regional
Gully Tracks
1. Waipahihi Gully is now completed and looks
great. Really looking forward to the
Gullies Treasure Hunt. Richard mentioned there�s a horse in the gully but its
always tied up and removed at night.
2. Thomas, Lisa and Pete attended a meeting with
Council re the gate and fence which was erected in front of Titoki Reserve. We made it clear to council that we have
also put public money into this gully and that we need to be notified if they
are putting such structures up. We
were reassured that it is temporary and in the meantime they�ll remove the
post next to gate which obstructs clear passage through from the footpath to
the gully. This latter work needs to
take place before the Gullies Treasure Hunt.
3. Elizabeth Street
will be completed in the next couple of weeks.
4. Thomas and Pete attended a Taupo Moana Rotary meeting
last week to give a progress report on the gullies. We were commended on our work and
efforts. They enjoyed hearing about
what we are doing and our enthusiastic plans.
1. Cycle Challenge:
Fifth leg is all go. Mike said there are around 25 entries so far
and we are hoping for around 100. On the whole the entry numbers
are big so far. The total race is trending towards 14,000.
2. AGM: Jo has books to prepare for end of year
report. The AGM will be held on Wednesday 8 November
2006 at 7pm
at Scenic Cellars. This will be
notified in the newsletter and by email to all members.
Meeting closed 9:20pm
• Wednesday 8 November 2006
Totara Street,
Taupo (or such other venue as advised)
Presentation to Tenon re
sponsorship |
Pete/Richard/Lisa |
Pub Charities Applications for
funding |
Richard/Barry Shepherd |
Newsletter |
Lisa |
Bike Counters |
Richard/Pete? |