Rowland; Richard Balm;
Thomas Schwarz;
Mike Langley
John Taylor
agreed that minutes of 7
March 2007 as amended were a true and
correct record, Accepted by Thomas/Richard
1. Draft Annual Plan - Richard
has sent in a submission to this and awaits confirmation of hearing date.
2. Action Plan 2007 - ongoing
3. Bungy track- see
Rural/Urban subcommittee below
1. 29 March 07 - TDC -
Draft 2007/08 Annual Plan
2. 15 March 07 - Transit
- State Highway 1 Pedestrian crossing update
3. 22 March 07 - Oxfam
- confirming access to Wairakei for their event
4. 26 March 07 -
Environment Waikato - Re request for remission of the processing charges for
resource consent application
5. March 07 Chainlinks
and membership renewal
1. 13 March 07 - Taupo
Moana Rotary Club - update including copy of letter from Minister of
Accepted by Thomas/Richard
OO Cheque: $
O1 Account balance (W2K) is $1,285.00
Petty Cash: $
Receipts: $1,375.36
Due: $52.50 (credit to Corner Shop - over payment of account)
due: $306.18
Life Cycles account is two months overdue. John has spoken to them but to no avail as
yet. Walk Taupo is also two months
overdue. They are disputing the
quantity received, claim to have received ninety maps only nine of which
where damaged, so are only going to pay for eighty one. No payment received as yet.
Accepted: Lisa/Mike
Urban/Rural Cycle Facilities:
1. Taupo Moana Rotary Club has funded $5,000 towards upgrade and
construction of the track from Sewerage plant to Taupo Bungy. Forest Managers will contribute a further
$500 and Groundeffect Clothing $1,000. The committee acknowledges these funds and is greatly appreciative of
receiving them. Pete
Masters will head the team. Mike will contact John to arrange for an
invoice to be sent to Rotary.
2. All agreed that we have to tie down Transit to the State Highway One
safe crossing. Its seems that things
are too slow and Lisa will contact Jess yet again on this one.
3. Road safety push in town -
pamphlets are ready to go warning motorists against parking in cycle
lanes. We will look at redoing the
news release as it was not put in the paper in its entirety.
4. Cycle Safety Review is coming up. Lisa has mentioned to Jess that we would like to be on the review
5. Need to find out the dates for resealing/repainting of Spa
Road. Bob Hopkins mentioned extending the yellow
6. Road side signage is now down and in storage.
7. Still keen to do some kind of cartoon. We will put out a note to all Taupo members - to search for a keen
Media Promotion and Website:
1. Newsletter: - Lisa to
prepare. Some points to include
• Road Code
rules for cyclists
• Winter
clothing (be safe be seen)
• Spa Road
• Mention CAN
• New tracks
at Craters (Richard to write blurb)
• Spin
Classes (good winter training)
• Road
cycling at track
• Illustrator
2. Ways of promoting Bike Taupo
was discussed. Lisa mentioned putting
us in the paper under sporting fixtures as a contact for cycling
queries. She will look into this
3. Council are keen to have cycling a part of their monthly column in the
Taupo Times.
4. Thomas reported that he�s looking at putting Bike
Taupo into a partnership scheme with
CAN which includes re-development of the website. Its Government funded digital strategy fund
which combines all local advocacy groups. Basically you put in $XX and they will add 50% of what you put in. All we do is put in 200 hours of volunteer
time. Those hours will be spent
updating and giving presentations.
5. Thomas and Lisa are keen to run the Gullies Treasure Hunt again this
year. It was so successful last year
and should be easier to organise having done it before.
1. Ticking along. Kevin Loe is
currently measuring tracks.
Wairakei Forest Mountain Bike System
Horses appear to be getting over the bridge cattle stops.
Unfortunately the horse people put a barricade over the front of them
to stop the horse getting on it, and a couple of mountain bike riders
collided with them. All has been solved now however.
2. The Wairakei committee is meeting soon to discuss more new tracks.
1. Richard has put in for the annual plan. He reiterated general cycling links in
existing areas and future areas.
2. New Subdivision at Wharewaka (east side of State Highway One)
3. Cycle Strategy Review
1. Lisa to prepare a letter for sending with the Rotary invoice.
W2K Track
1. Ongoing discussions. It�s
progressing nicely.
CAN Update
1. New Chainlinks letter with a more professional format (hard copy)
Simon Kennett is calling through Taupo in May and Thomas would like to
arrange a night for Simon to present to our committee and
members. Presentation is on History of Cycling In NZ and
cycle advocacy. All agreed that 10 May would be a good
night. Thomas to arrange and confirm.
1. Richard is keen to get a meeting with the new CEO of Council.
2. Still thinking about getting a Bike
Taupo logo on some clothing.
3. The cycle club is talking with Chris Todd about setting up a junior
development training system.
4. Volunteers are needed to marshal the Cat Eye Moon Ride in Rotorua on
12 May. Pete McFarlane organising.
Meeting closed 8:55pm
• 6
June 2007 at 7pm (or such
other date as committee chooses)