1. PRESENT:Richard Balm, Lisa Rowland, Thomas Schwarz, Mike Langley, Pete Masters, Pete McFarlane, Len Malcolm, Ben Watson, Aniek Lenoir, Richard Hine, Bruce Jaine, Dave Brett, Brendon Reynolds, Kevin Loe, Peter Boomen, Jean Stephens, Sandy Connell, Yvonne Watt, Chas Hutton, Grant Nicoll, Jo Donaldson, Crunchie Donaldson, Steve Currie, Ian and Bea Cox, Cameron Hollamby, heather Lumpter, Carwyn May, Linda Nouwens, Kit Wyatt, Pete Cook.
2. APOLOGIES:Alan Vane; Keith Crate, Jenny Loe , Rose Blackley. Fiona McDonald, Jonty Garlick, Peter Lockwood, Steve Holdsworth.
3. 2007 MINUTES:All present received a copy of the 2007 AGM minutes and it was moved they are accepted as a true and correct record.
Accepted, Len Malcolm, Mike Langley
·Richard Balm presented his Chairperson’s Report.In particular highlights for the year include:
·Opening of the W2K track in April 2008 – a great track proving both cyclists and pedestrians can co-exist.Headland track has been started following further funding from Lion Foundation ($20,000) and Southern Trust ($6,900)
·Bike Taupo now manages 80kms of tracks around the area
·Pete Masters will stand down from the committee to develop a new maintenance management role with Pete McFarlane.
·The committee would like to focus the upcoming year on urban issues.
Accepted:Len Malcolm, Pete McFarlane
·Jo Donaldson of Stretton & Co reviewed the Bike Taupo accounts and these were tabled.The accounts will be available on the Bike Taupo website
·Jo’s and Stretton’s time and effort was again acknowledged with thanks.
Accepted:Richard Balm, Pete Masters
·The floor was opened for nominations for a Chairperson and the remaining 6 committee members.
·Chairman:Richard Balm nominated by Bruce Jaine and seconded by Len Malcolm.No other nominations received.
·Committee:A block nomination for the following who registered their interest in standing:
Lisa Rowland; Karyn Hutton;Thomas Schwarz; Mike Langley; Keith Crate; Richard Hine, Aniek LenoirAll nominated and seconded by
Richard Balm/Pete Masters
Nominations were closed and all present voted in favour of the above persons to be the Bike Taupo committee.
All the above nominations accepted.
Accordingly the full committee to be elected for the coming year is:
Chairman:Richard Balm
Committee:Thomas Schwarz; Lisa Rowland; Karyn Hutton;
Mike Langley; Keith Crate; Richard Hine; Aniek Lenoir
Other officer positions (Secretary and Treasurer) to be decided at first committee meeting in accordance with the Constitution.
W2K:We now have funding to complete the 5-6km shortfall due to track being longer than envisaged ($26,000).Headland track is now 5kms into the junction on the Kinloch side – nearly at half way.Will soon start from the Whakaipo intersection.The whole track will be two way.DoC is putting in a toilet at the saddle and eventually there’ll be a small water tank.Funding from the Mayoral Fund has been used on Stoat Control – trapping.We’ve started talking to DoC re upgrading the Kawakawa Bay Track and landowners further on from KawakawaBay.Doc will continue to maintain the Kawakawa Bay Track once upgraded.
·Urban:Thomas Schwarz would like a list of names/emails who would like to be on a discussion group for issue within urban Taupo.It was acknowledged that people need educating on “how” to commute to work/town.Thomas mentioned that CANZ was development a nationwide Cycle Skills Training programme.
·Pete Masters reiterated that the more people biking in and around Taupo means more economic benefit to Taupo.Around 15,000 use the Rotary Ride.
·WharewakaTransitLand:Kevin Loe reported there is land adjacent to the highway near Wharewaka Road which belongs to Transit which has good potential as an area for developing for young kids to ride.
·Bike Taupo T-Shirt - A new shirt was presented to the AGM which will model a T’-shirt which will be on sale through our website in the near future.
·TDC - Bike Taupo had reported to TDC and gain $16,000 per annum for management of tracks and other matters.At the presentation we mentioned how frustrated we were with the urban cycling progress.Spa Road still has not been formalised regarding designated bike lanes.Bike Taupo will also put forward ideas for the CBD changes.Things are slowly changing.
·Thanks to Bike Taupo - Steve Currie addressed the AGM thanking the Committee for the previous year of success.