Track Crew News - May 2010
Improvements are still happening in Wairakei thanks to the dedicated few Brendon and Pete Lockwood have built a new Cork Screw uphill which will make this circuit a lot more popular as it’s a great little down hill on the other side It has a whip de do from hell which will take your breath away
Carwyn has been chipping away on Deb’s up hill and a working bee is planned so it can be finished off in one hit.
Pete Manning has made a little change in Walters gum trees that adds to the flavor, Walters is now a major way home thanks to all his work
Rotary Ride is still being improved with help from a bunch of Contact guys working on the Huka Lodge section for a day.
For those sharper people out there you will have noticed a big increase of walkers on the Rotary Ride. Doc have a big tree down on the walking track so have asked if they can divert walkers on to our track to help them out.
So just be extra careful with more people around.
Kawakawa Bay is moving along. We are past the look out and heading down into the bay. We have to build a zig and then two zag’s before we can drop into an amazing gully of big ferns that will take us down into the bay and link onto the old track at the bottom of the stairs.
We had a visitor late home on W2K, if you come from out of town check out the distance on the W2K signs before embarking on a headland ride at 5 o’clock It’s a bit further than you think with the climbing involved and it gets dark under the trees by 6 o’clock or make sure you have a set of lights or can ride with a touch between your teeth.
The Track Crew
Track of the Month:
Young Pines - Oldie but a goody