MINUTES OF MEETING – Tuesday 30 November 2010, 7:30pm
At Scenic Cellars, Taupo
PRESENT: As per database schedule:
Thomas Schwarz, Pete Masters, Lisa Rowland, Aniek Lenoir, Barry Shepherd, Alan Vane, Len Malcolm, Bruce Jaine, Mary-Rose Blackley, Richard Balm, Brent Cameron, Mike Langley, Steve Currie, Peter McFarlane, Chris Todd, Phil Battersby, Craig Miller, Carwyn May, Keith Crate, Karyn Hutton, Trevor Stark, Shorty, Cath Oldfield, Peter Goodman, Alex Fierro, Shorty Hughes, Phil Simpson, Ryan Hunt
APOLOGIES: Tony Roddan, Greg and Helen Brosnan
CONFIRMATION OF 2009 AGM MINUTES: Moved by Thomas Schwarz. 2nd Pete McFarlane
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: - see below or Download PDF - Presented by Thomas Schwarz via Powerpoint. Moved to be accepted by Thomas. 2nd by Karyn Hutton
TREASURER’S REPORT: Presented by Karyn Hutton. Karyn also moved that Strettons continued to be used as the Auditor of Accounts. Moved by Karyn. 2nd by Mike Langley.
Constitution Changes
TAKE NOTICE that at the AGM of the Bike Taupo Advocacy Group Incorporated to be held at Taupo on the 30th day of November 2010, the following amendments to the Rules of Bike Taupo will be proposed:
1. That the Constitution of the Bike Taupo Advocacy Group Incorporated be amended to provide for a minimum number of other committee members rather than a maximum number, by deleting Rule 8.1 which presently states:
“Not less than five and no more than seven officers of the Group shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting and shall include:
(a) a Chairperson; and
(b) a maximum of six other committee members.”
and substituting it with a new Rule 8.1 as follows:
“8.1 Subject to Rule 8.2, not less than five officers of the Group shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting and shall include:
(a) a chairperson; and
(b) a minimum of four other committee members.”
2. That the Constitution of the Bike Taupo Advocacy Group Incorporated be amended to provide for committee members to serve for a period of two consecutive years, but to retire on rotation, by deleting Rule 8.2 which presently reads:
“Officers currently holding positions may be re-elected provided that no person shall hold the office of chairperson for more than three consecutive years.”
and substituting it with a new Rule 8.2 as follows:
“8.2 Notwithstanding Rule 8.1:
(a) the chairperson shall be elected for a period of two years but shall not hold office as Chairperson for more than four consecutive years;
(b) the other committee members shall also be elected for a period of two years each, provided that:
(i) half of the number of other committee members shall retire on rotation each year with those retiring by rotation to be selected in the following order:
(1) those who have served a consecutive two year term;
(2) any committee member who wishes to retire;
(3) drawing of straws in the event that there are then insufficient numbers retiring so as to make up half of the number of other committee members retiring on rotation.
(ii) in the event of the calculation of half of the other committee members resulting in a fraction, then the fraction shall be rounded up or down to the nearest whole number;
(iii) a committee member retiring on rotation shall be eligible for re-election for a further two year term;
(iv) any committee member retiring after serving a two year term shall also be eligible for re-election.
3. That the Constitution of the Bike Taupo Advocacy Group Incorporated be amended to provide for a limited power of borrowing, by deleting Rule 12.1 which states:
“The Group shall not have the power to borrow money.”
and substituting it with a new Rule 12.1 as follows:
“12.1 The Group has limited power to borrow money, if, and only if:
(i) the amount of borrowing is no greater than the amount of money which a substantial third party eg the Government or other substantial funding organization, has committed unconditionally in writing to pay to the Group at a later point in time; or
(ii) written guarantees are unconditionally given by substantial Third Parties to repay the borrowings in full;
(iii) and in either case, a Special General Meeting of the Group approves the borrowing.”
Dated 8 November 2010
Both changes adopted unanimously.
Update On Lake Track
A request from the floor was made for an update on what was happening with the Lake Track. Pete Masters explained that there were ongoing negotiations with local Maori landowners. The problem has been that they have needed to set up new trustees, have hui and then go to the Maori Land Court. Funding has been approved to run the hui. It is a slow process, but there seems to be no problems at the moment. Hoping to begin in early 2011. Appreciation for the work that the Lake Track sub committee was doing was expressed.
Meeting closed 8.30pm
All enjoyed refreshments supplied by Scenic Cellars